The Great Bird Count
This year we sprinkled some cake crumbs to attract the birds. We saw two gulls, two crows and one child saw an owl!

Nurse visit.
We had a lovely visit from a nurse. She told us what nurses do and she even showed us how to put bandages, slings and plasters on. We are now all ready to be nurses in our hospital role play.

Police visit.
We had a lovely visit from a police lady. She told us about her roll and she let us have a look at some of the equipment the police use. We then got to dress up and try it all out. She also read us a story about all the different types of police and what they do to help us.

Today we had a visit from the vets who brought Shelly with them.
We loved to have a visit from Shelly the tortoise. We got to hold her and give her a bath. We also learnt about what vets do and how they help animals.

Supertato arrived to save the day.
Our book for the next few weeks is Supertato, we have made superhero masks and capes just in case evil pea finds our classroom. Today we arrived to school and Supertato and his vegetables are here to save the day in case evil pea arrives.

Decorating biscuits with our buddies
We visited our buddies and had lots of fun decorating biscuits together.

Today we met Chloe who will be our Diddidancevteacher until Christmas. Chloe is teaching us different dance moves alongside helping us to develop our concentration and listening skills.

This week we have been talking about places we would like to visit and how we would get there. The children voted on their favourite place and wrote their name to show which they preferred. The top two places were soft play closely followed by swimming.

Pedal and Scoot.
We had so much fun today with Pedal and Scoot. We learnt how to check if our bikes are safe and learnt lots of new skills.

Repeating patterns.
Our book this week is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We linked our Maths lesson and we made caterpillars using repeated patterns.

Egg hunt with a difference!
The children had to hunt for creatures that hatch from eggs in our wooded walk. We talked about the life cycles of the different creatures we found.

Thank you Year 3
On World Book Day, year 3 came to read to us. We really enjoyed having an older friend to read any book we chose. The children got on so well that we have invited them back.