Rock Steady Concert
What a fantastic concert today. Our rock stars performed brilliantly and the audience of children and parents were awestruck by the confidence of the children who have been receiving Rock Steady lessons. Well done everyone!

Walking through the Bible
Sooty and Ruth, from Sportsreach, started our Walk through the Bible sessions this week. So far we have learnt about creation through to Isaac with actions to help us along the way.
It will be interesting to see how much we can remember as we add more actions week by week.

Mindful Monday - Dog Walk
Some children chose a woodland dog walk for one of their mindful activities today. They gave different reasons for their choice - fresh air, exercise, peace and quiet, nature and because they like dogs! Whatever the reason, we had fun walking around the woods, taking turns holding Rosie (the…

Olive Branch
The newly formed Worship Team took the Harvest gifts to the Olive Branch today. They spent some time finding out about the amazing things that the Olive Branch do.

Open Doors Charity
Year 6s found out about Christians around the world and how tough things can be in countries where Christians are persecuted. They played a game which taught them about some of the ways Open Doors helps these Christians.
This all linked to our Worship yesterday about the British Value -…

Standfast and Barracks Competition
Some children entered the competition run by Standfast and Barracks to design a new fabric. The company then made this fabric with all our entries on. Don’t they look fantastic!
Classifying living things
The children sorted the living things from different habitats using a branching key. By working together and thinking of the right questions, they successfully completed the challenge.

Pupil Parliament
Four children went to the Pupil Parliament meeting today and thought about sexual equality. They discussed different jobs and toys that can be advertised for specific genders. It was really interesting and thought provoking.
St George’s Day
As St George is the patron saint of the Scouting organisation, the children were invited to wear their Scout, Cub or Squirrel uniform. They looked very smart!

CancerCare Assembly
Lisa, from CancerCare, joined us on Wednesday and talked about how CancerCare support people of all ages. We presented her with a cheque of over £700 from the fundraising events organised by the School Council.
Mrs Lofthouse's Retirement
It was a sad day at Scotforth St Paul’s Primary and Nursery School on Friday 2nd February. After over 26 years of loyal service in the Scotforth St Paul’s School’s kitchen, Mrs Alison Lofthouse retired. She was a fantastic member of the kitchen team, preparing and serving the children food as…
Grand Opening!
On Monday 8th January, the pupils, staff and governors of Scotforth St Paul’s CE Primary and Nursery School and invited guests joined together to celebrate the completion of their recent building project. The extensive alterations, which have taken over eighteen months to complete - and even…