Ambulance visit
Alfie's Dad came in to teach us about what we need to do to stay healthy. We also learnt all about his job as a paramedic. Thank you very much, we all had lots of fun!!
World Book Day
Reception loved dressing up for World Book Day; there were some fantastic costumes! We took part in 'Ring-a-read' and decorated book spines with the title of our favourite stories. Can you guess what we are all dressed up as?
This half term we will be doing gymnastics in PE. We will work on balances, jumps and rolls in order to make our own sequences. Here we are trying different balances.
Park visit
In RE we have been learning about stories Jesus heard. We thought about stories we've heard and where we've heard them. We talked about how we can hear stories in lots of places so we went to the park to listen to a story. After the story we got to play on the park :)
WOW writers
Our new WOW writers of the week are: Lily, Grace, Monty, Emily and Robin
Well done
WOW writers
Our new WOW writers of the week are: Elijah G, Isabelle, Gracie, Lloyd and Emilia
Well done
WOW writers of the week
Reception will now have 5 WOW writers of the week and their work will be displayed on our WOW writing wall.
This weeks WOW writers are Ella, Holly A, Kacey, Xavier and Luke. Well done and keep up the good writing!
Police visit
The police came to help us learn all about their dangerous job. We got to see all the equipment they use, the uniforms they wear and the van they drive. The children all had a great morning!
We have become safari explorers these last two weeks. We have been listening to and looking at different dangerous animals. We then painted them and wrote about them. Have a look at us in our explorer outfits.
Reception are working really hard in ICT on their mouse control skills. Here we are having a go at using the mouse to complete jigsaws.
Class assembly
We have been thinking about others less fortunate than us especially at Christmas time. We did an assembly to the whole school talking about hopes and wishes for others at Christmas time. We used big clear voices and confidently spoke to the whole school!